Andrew Huberman and Robert Greene Searching for God: 1-Minute Summary
5 Ways Huberman and Greene are Searching for God
Andrew Huberman meets Robert Greene: Searching for God
Five key topics of interest came up that are closely tied to faith in God.
Greene explains the self is an illusion, “I really don’t have a self.. it doesn’t really actually exist.”
Yet, if the self is an illusion, a human’s individual purpose that Greene speaks of is illusory. Greene alludes to the Sublime. God or the Transcendent helps make sense of the Sublime.
Two-ism allows for a Transcendent Creator v creature distinction unlike one-ism that views everything as of the same nature such as an illusion or matter etc.
Despite thinking the self is an illusion, Greene leans towards a two-ist view on justice and love. For Greene romantic love between two individuals points towards the Sublime and is more than a neurological trick as under atheism.
Greene claims “having a sense of justice is a wonderful and important thing”. Yet, justice is something immaterial and objective that goes beyond localised chemical reactions in a bag of meat.
Greene adds on worship, “what we really should worship is the human brain which is the greatest creation.” To have a creation, you need a Creator. It is strange Greene says we should worship the brain when earlier in the podcast he says he thanks and prays to God every day.
Perhaps what Greene is searching for in the Transcendent is found in Christ. Through Jesus Christ your connection to the sublime love of God down to your innermost being is made possible.
Christ suffered injustice in the place of the justice we deserved. He lived a perfect life, fulfilling his purpose in a way we never could. Now your life can be restored with a new sense of purpose because of his work.
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