Sitemap - 2023 - Street Theologian

Reflecting on 2023

How to QUIT Porn in 2024: 5 Tips

Subscriber Interview: Meet Prolific Apologetics YouTuber Erik Manning PLUS Questions on Jesus’ Birth

Why Did Jesus Come Into The World? Our articles on the Gospels, Jesus' divinity, death and resurrection

Did Matthew, Mark, Luke and John REALLY Write the Gospels? Short Conversations

Street Theologian's Short-Form Response to the Academy of Ideas: Do We Need God?

Do we Need God? The Loss of God and the Decay of Society Under the False Gods of Sex, Status, Science and State. Street Theologian Responds to the Academy of Ideas

Hurt People Hurt People: Is it possible to break the cycle with love and forgiveness?

The Gratitude Myth: Affirm goodness but forget the Source?

7 SHOCKING Truths about Nicaea

Identity Crisis: 6 Subtle Idols We Easily Fall For

31 Countries, 31 U.S. States and Growing! Thank You All

Short Conversations: Why is the Gospel of THOMAS banned from the Bible?

Seventh-Day Adventism EXPOSED: Seven Sabbath Facts

Christian vs Atheist: Can God possibly exist? Refuting Edward Johns' article response

Gospel of Thomas: Why is it missing from the Bible? 10 Considerations

Did Constantine INVENT Jesus as God?

Manifesting the UNIVERSE: Faith with no strings attached

King James Onlyism EXAMINED: 16+11 KJV Considerations

Not all LOVE STORIES end well: Why the Gospel strikes at the heart

Is Jesus GOD in Matthew, Mark and Luke? 20 Key Considerations

Jesus’ Favourite Name for Himself: 3 BIG Implications

Update and Reflections: 3 Years of Street Theologian

Why is God HIDDEN?

Where is your ATTENTION going? 5 Biblical Ways to refocus your attention

Will the next CS Lewis be lost to video games and porn?

Freud, Faith, Family and Feelings: Are you a Christian because of your parents?

Quoting Ehrman: 20 Bart Ehrman quotes every NON-CHRISTIAN should know

Is Jesus the Messiah? 3 Portraits from Daniel

Short Conversations: Are the 4 Gospels based on eyewitness accounts?

Are the Gospels based on eyewitness accounts? 10 key considerations

Were the 4 Gospels given FAKE names?

Undesigned Coincidences: Hidden Gems in the Gospels

Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?

Understanding Revelation: 6 Principles in 6 minutes

How arrogant of you to think every other religion is wrong

Short Conversations: How did we get the Bible?

Frequently Avoided Questions: How did we get the Bible? A crash course

Response to Clem Samson’s post “Scientists: there is no life after death. Nor is there a God.”

Short Conversations 2023: Did Jesus rise from the dead?

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Your Comprehensive Guide


Are modern Bible translations wildly corrupted? Short conversation with a KJV Onlyist

The Virgin Births of Secularism: 10 Impossible Things You Assume Everyday

Why doesn’t God help me stop committing this sin?

Don't go into 2023 hooked on porn