Brave article which strikes close to home. Few are immune and those few who conquer this temptation must remain vigilant. I was fortunate to find a Christian men's group to assist. But, you have to keep your guard up so you don't run back, however the freedom from guilt and shame that one has can is a powerful motivator. Thanks.
Some great points. No room for complacency we are dependant on the King to sustain us not our own strength. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep pressing on!
Brave article which strikes close to home. Few are immune and those few who conquer this temptation must remain vigilant. I was fortunate to find a Christian men's group to assist. But, you have to keep your guard up so you don't run back, however the freedom from guilt and shame that one has can is a powerful motivator. Thanks.
Some great points. No room for complacency we are dependant on the King to sustain us not our own strength. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep pressing on!